Poor sleep leads to poor food shopping

In study, less healthful food, and more of it, favored after bad sleep.

According to intriguing new research, not getting enough sleep might induce you to shop so as to satisfy those cravings.

This Swedish study, published in the journalObesity, investigated if lack of sleep affects food purchases. If so, it could be one way lack of sleep contributes to obesity.


Is your job affecting your sleep?

For many of us, our work gives shape to our daily lives. Most of us must work to support ourselves, our households and our families. It’s not uncommon to spend more waking time on the job or otherwise engaged with work than any other aspect of our lives. Given the scope of the role that work plays in our lives, we don’t pay nearly enough attention to the impact of our jobs on our health — and in particular, our sleep.


Sleep needs to be a priority

As a medical student and an intern, staying up all night was accepted as part of the job. We wore the dark circles under our eyes like badges of honor and were competitive about who could function on the least amount of sleep. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” was our battle cry. Like so many, we associated productivity with not sleeping. Our chief resident was famous for never sleeping. We idolized him and all those who averaged less than four hours a night. In our minds needing a lot of sleep was a sign of weakness.


Beauty Sleep

In a small study at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, poor sleepers were found “to show increased signs of skin aging and slower recovery from a variety of environmental stressors,” such as ultraviolet radiation, the researchers said. The study, presented at the International Investigative Dermatology Meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland, was commissioned by Estée Lauder.
